Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.”
Diane completed her bachelor’s degree in economics in 2011. In Brazil, she worked with credit and finance, and in the US she worked with group insurance renewals.
R2 is her first job at a technology company, and she is very excited about the opportunity to work as a Sales Support Specialist with her amazing team.
Diane was born and raised in a very small city in Brazil, lived in East Timor in 2011 and 2012 and she has been living in South Florida for the last 6 years. Diane has been happily married for almost 7 years, and they have been together for almost 11. Diane loves to travel and is passionate about animals, especially dogs. She has two awesome rescued dogs: a 10-year-old miniature poodle and a 5-year-old chihuahua.
I am looking forward to working with you and learning all about your business goals and needs.
We're here to help you step out of mediocre and into extraordinary.